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Brewing great beer isn't about closely-guarded recipes, edison bulbs, or shiny stainless equipment...It's about knowing what to do and when to do it.

Whether you're a first-time brewer or have dabbled and haven't gotten the results you want, this is the first step to making world-class beer at home.


One of my favorite parts about brewing myself is that I get to choose the beer I make and drink, not the market. If you love styles that just aren', they can be hard to come by - and you can start making your favorite beers yourself with the freshness and quality of a professional brewer.

Sign up for my FREE gear guide to start making beer yourself that's better than you can buy.

A Little About

My name is Garrett Allen, and I'm a pro brewer gone home. I've spent years learning how to make exceptional beers of many styles through experimentation, detailed learning, and a desire to make the best beer I can...and I want to help you do that too!

Everyone loves the friend who brings beer.
Be the one who always brings great beer.

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